What? Itinerant seminars on Romance Studies and Digital Humanities. Each seminar features short presentations on a chosen topic and plenty of time for discussion.
Where? Everywhere in Switzerland and online (hybrid).
When? At lunch time over a buffet. Generally once per month during the teaching semesters.
Who? Anyone doing research and teaching at the crossroad of Romance Studies and Digital Humanities or approaching this slippery ground. Check the Digital Romanistics community page.
Check past events to get an idea!
Language policy
Presentations are welcome in any romance language or in English. To facilitate exchange and promote dialogue, we encourage speakers to prepare materials (slides, endouts) in a different language than the one chosen for the talk, for example French/Italian, English/French, etc.
We welcome contributions to transform this website into a multilingual website. See our Community page.
The digitisation of Romance studies, may it be linguistics, literature, philology or cultural studies, is now obvious. The rise of computers in research is an opportunity to open new horizons, but has problematic aspects linked with the emergence of new communities, methodological approaches and tools.
Despite its young age, Digital Humanities is already a body of good practices to be addressed, an ensemble of collective solutions to be taken into account. Because specialists of French, Spanish, Italian, Occitan, Portuguese, Rumanian … studies have developed the habit to work together, this research group aims at bringing together people in Digital Romanistics around these questions.
This group welcomes all scholars willing to participate to this collective effort to offer the means to develop research and teaching projects, specialised working groups or infrastructures. Occasional meetings and regular workshops are held to bring together researchers to discuss common issues, share solutions about the digital and computational components of their research, and prepare together future projects.
Organisers, partners and funders
Digital Romanistics was launched in 2020 by Simon Gabay (University of Geneva) and Elena Spadini (then University of Lausanne), with the support of the UNIL-EPFL dhCenter. Helena Bermúdez Sabel (University of Neuchâtel) joined the organising board in 2022. Digital Romanistics is now supported by the Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW) / Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales (ASSH) through the Collegium Romanicum. The chair of Digital Humanities at the University of Geneva and the Research and Infrastructure Support unit (RISE) of the University of Basel are partners of Digital Romanistics.
As a bottom-up initiative that aims to address the needs of the Romance Studies community, Digital Romanistics is always open to contributions, in the form of ideas, seminars and more. Check the Community page!